Department of Immigration and Emigration

Sri Lankan Identity Overseas

General Information on Passports

New Passport application approval process

With effect from 10th  August 2015, applicants applying for passports are required to provide digital   photograph and fingerprints to the Department. The digital photograph should be submitted through one of our  Authorized photo studio located island-wide or at the Department Head Office or at Regional Offices. Printed photographs will no longer be accepted. Fingerprints will be collected at the Department Head Office or Regional Offices and applicant should be present in person.

Important information:

  1. All passport applicants irrespective of age should use passport Application download here Form K 35 A (Instructions)
  2. All passport applicants including children should provide digital photograph through Authorized photo studio
  3. Fingerprints will be collected from all applicants between16 - 60 years at the Head Office and three Regional Offices in Sri Lanka
  4. Applicants submitting passport applications through Sri Lanka Diplomatic Missions overseas could do so without providing fingerprints and digital photograph.
  5. Inclusion of children in parents passport will NO longer be allowed and children will be issued separate passports

How to submit a digital photograph to the department

  1. Visit a Authorized photo studio of your choice to obtain a digital photograph. Only the photos which were taken within 6 months will be valid.
  2. Studio will send your photograph online to our computer system and will issue a Studio Acknowledgement Note to you. No printed photographs are required for passport application.
  3. Studio acknowledgement note must be presented with your application and other supporting documents to the Department.

More information : Hotline 1962 or telephone numbers +94 112 101 500

Am I eligible for a Sri Lankan Passport ?

You can obtain a Sri Lankan Passport if you are – A Sri Lankan Citizen by descent or by registration.

Getting passport urgently

If you need your passport for urgent traveling you can apply for one-day service. This service is only available at Immigration & Emigration Department Head Office. see Issue of passport

Validity Period of a Passport

Currently issuing N series passports are valid 10 years unless otherwise specified. Validity period of passports for minors below 16 years of age is 03 years or 10 years as per the request of parents. Emergency Certificates are valid two (02) years but can be extended for further two years.

What are the Working Hours ?

We accept

  • Normal Processing Applications - from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon.
  • Urgent Basis Applications - from 7.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon. 
  • Counter of Online Issues -  from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon.
    The office closes on weekends and Public Holidays.

How do I apply for a passport ?

You can submit all passport applications to the Passport Division (Level 01 - Normal Service / Level 02 - Urgent Service) of the Department of Immigration & Emigration located at "Suhurupaya", Battaramulla. click here to see Location map

What are the types of passports ?

  1. A Passport valid for all countries
    • Ordinary Passport
    • Diplomatic passport
    • Official passport
  2. Emergency Certificates for Buddhist Pilgrims travel India and Nepal
  3. ICOM & NMRP for urgent one way travel document issued by Sri Lankan Overseas Missions

Acquiring Biometric Data into the Passport System

The Government of Sri Lanka has decided to obtain fingerprints as biometric data of applicants when issuing Passports with effect from 10th August 2015. Arrangements have also been made to obtain photographs of the applicants, conforming to standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization. By this arrangement, Sri Lankan Passport will become a travel document with international recognition.

Important information of new passports issuance procedure.

Submitting Application

  1. The “K 35 A” application should be used that has been amended to confirm to the above requirements. (Instructions)
  2. Those application forms could be obtained from the Office of The Department, Regional Offices at Matara, Kandy, Vavuniya and Kurunegala. District Secretariats Offices, Divisional Secretariats Offices or from the website
  3. As the fingerprints have to be captured, all applicants have to come in person to the Head Office of the Department or  Regional Offices to submit their applications.

Photograph conforming to international standards

  1. The Department will not accept printed photographs. All applicants should obtain their photographs only from studios authorized by the Department located island-wide or from studios established at the Head Office and Regional Offices of the Department.
  2. The relevant studios will not give a printed photograph and your photograph will be forwarded to the data system of the Department through online technology.
  3. The studio will issue you a acknowledgement note which should be submitted along with your application.
  4. The list of authorized studios will be published in the newspapers and on our website and will also be exhibited at District Secretariat Offices and Divisional Secretariat Offices.


  1. According to the provisions of the Immigration and Emigration Act No. 20 of 1948 amended by Act No. 7 of 2015 every applicant above 16 years of age and below 60 years of age must provide his or her fingerprints. Fingerprints will be obtained only at the Head Office and Regional Offices.


Children below 16 years of age will hereafter not be included in the Passports of their parents and separate passports must be obtained for them.

More information: Hotline 1962 or telephone numbers +94 112 101 500

Special Note

New regulation imposed by the Finland Government for Sri Lankan Visa Applicants

Applicants who wish to apply visa for Finland shall take the following facts in to consideration, too.

  • The Embassy of Finland is no longer allowed to approve Sri Lankan Passports where there are alterations of the name on the second page as per the new procedure introduced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Finland.
  • The Mission is not authorized to accept the applications If there are any name alterations in the visa or resident permit applicants’ passports and such applicants should submit a new passport with the correct name.
  • The approval will be given for the passports that the name is written on the second page due to the reason that the name is too long to be written on the first page of the passport.

Special Note - Myanmar

Public health requirements for travelers entering Myanmar through international airports, seaports and cross border poes (1-3-2024) Click for more details.



  • Dep. of Immigration and Emigration
  • "Suhurupaya", Sri Subhuthipura Road,
  • Battaramulla.
  • 1962 / +94 112 101 500
  • +94 011 2885 358