Department of Immigration and Emigration

Sri Lankan Identity Overseas


  • Everyone who enters the office should wear face masks and should wash their hands at the places where facilities are provided to clean hands.
  • Body temperature of all the persons entering the office will be checked before entering the office premises and everyone must give their support for that purpose and persons with body temperature more than     98.4 °F or 37 °C are not allowed to enter the office premises.
  • Persons who have one or more of the symptoms of Covid - 19 such as cough, fever, cold, sore throat, body aches, shortness of breath, a person who has been in close contact with a Covid - 19 patient for the last 14 days, a person who has been quarantined for the    Covid - 19 must not arrive to the office seeking services.
  • Since the service will be provided for a limited number of clients in a day, clients should seek services by constantly maintaining a minimum distance of 1 meter.
  • Clients must comply with the guidelines given by the Officers of the Health Sectors, Security Forces, Supervising Officers of the Office and the guidelines displayed at the Office premises.

Arrival / Departure e-Card

Submit your Arrival /...

Important Links

Important Links...

Guidelines for Overseas




  • Dep. of Immigration and Emigration
  • "Suhurupaya", Sri Subhuthipura Road,
  • Battaramulla.
  • 1962 / +94 112 101 500
  • +94 011 2885 358